Pastor Vatroslav Župančić meets with Ambassador of the State of Israel

Pastor Vatroslav Župančić, was invited to the Embassy of the State of Israel in Croatia in  Zagreb on June 21. Here he was hosted by His Excellency the Ambassador Gary Koren

In a friendly conversation, the Ambassador thanked Pastor Vatroslav for his contribution in spreading the truth in Croatia  about Israel especially in curent difficult situation. On the other hand, Vatroslav Župančić presented the work of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem (ICEJ) and its branch in Croatia, which he represents. He stated: “We Christian believers in Croatia are becoming more and more aware of our responsibility for our religious heritage that comes from the Jews. We are also aware that the State of Israel is the only stable democracy in the Middle East, which guarantees equal human and religious rights and security to all its citizens, and guests, and as your friends, we will continue to stand tirelessly with Israel.” Stated Pastor Župančić.

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